One Genius to Rule Them All

May 16, 2012 14:16

Title: One Genius to Rule Them All
Warnings: None
Characters: Avengers
Type: Crossover
Rating: G
Summery: Tony in Westeros (really, though, just read the prompt


When they finally managed to get to wherever Tony had disappeared to, using some kind of science thing that really only Bruce understood, the Avengers were...well, surprised? That sounded almost right. Maybe.

How does one describe going from a twenty first-century science lab to a battle in what looked like the middle ages?

It was all a bit of a mess, really. There were men fighting, screaming and dying. The majority of which were in uniform, the rest rather haphazardly dressed in a mis-match of armour. The uniformed fellows were wining.

It was all rather bloody, and Thor seemed to be in his element; whacking whoever came too close. Then came the cry, in a voice that was oddly familiar, followed by the howling of wolves;
"Winter is coming!"

And a man in grey and white and armour wih a wolf on his banner rode past them, hacking down his enemy left and right.

"Well," remarked Clint, loosing an arrow at a man in black leather, but no uniform, "I think we've found him."

Posted via LiveJournal app for iPhone.

writing, avengers, crossover

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