Knocking to Find No One Home

May 07, 2012 20:02

Title: Knocking to Find No One Home
Warnings: Avengers spoilers, cannonical character death
Characters: Loki, Phil Coulsen
Rating: PG
Type: Movie fix-it, Au
Summery: After a rather hard knock to the head, Loki comes back to himself


Loki would have thanked the Hulk - had he the opportunity - for the rather hard knock he'd given Loki over his head. Unfortunately, the Avengers were not in much of a mood to listen. He had done such terrible things.

He hadn't wanted to. When he'd let himself drop from the Bridge, he really hadn't expected to survive - almost succeeded. But he was found and...rescued. Most after that, he remembered in a hazy fog. Like it was all a dream and none of it had happened.

Loki was very nearly ill, thinking back on the atrocities that he'd committed under the power of the Chitauriin. He'd killed people. Not that he hadn't before - but battling trained warriors was very different from murdering civilians. He was imprisoned properly this time. A cage built for him - but they still didn't have the technology to bind his powers. Thor had left for Asgard to negotiate his return but Loki had no intention to leaving Earth; on Asgard, when he was King-Regent, his actions were - while somewhat excessive - not entirely in the wrong. It was here on Midgard that he would have to pay for his actions. He intended too.

He slipped his hand under the mat on his cot and retrieved a collection of picture cards. He'd first seen them on his way into the facility where he was to be held. The one they called Captain America was writing on each one with black pen. His name, over and over. The Iron Man had placed a hand on the Captain's shoulder and said that Phil was a good man. Phil - the agent Loki had killed on the plane.

Loki used his magic to steal the cards when no one was looking. Now, Loki held the cards between his palms, closed his eyes and very carefully slipped a projection of himself, cards still in hand, through the hidden paths of the universe. It had been quite a long time since he'd visited his daughter.

Hela was both delighted to see him and most terribly upset, but when he asked she confirmed that, yes, Phillip of SHELD had arrived in Niflheim, and took her father to find him. Phil, naturally, was not happy to see Loki.

"I take it they got hold of you, then."

Loki grimaced,
"More or less, but not in the way you think, Agent. I am still alive, but yes, I am not free."
Phil’s mouth quirked, very briefly, then his face straightened.
"You're not dead, but here you are."
"I am able to use magic to project myself. It is the only way for me to enter here, and it is not easy. Niflheim is not for the living."
"So, you're not here really.""
No, but I am not really there, either."
"I see. Why are you here?"

Loki frowned, looking pained.
"I came to apologise. I don't expect you to believe me" he forestalled "but it is the truth. I was...not in my right mind when I stood up against you."
Phil raised his eyebrows. Nodded once and turned away.
"No, I don't think I do. I have to go now."
Loki watched him for a long moment as he walked away, then came back to himself. "Wait! I have something for you."
Phil paused "It is very difficult to bring anything physical into the realm of the dead, but, I think you may want to have these."

Loki handed the cards to Phil
"I watched your Captain America sign these; I gathered that they were yours."

Phil took the cards, flipped through them
"Thank you."
Loki smiled thinly "You're welcome", and let the spell go.

He opened his eyes to see the white ceiling of his prison, but he felt somehow lighter in his heart.

writing, avengers

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