Testing...1, 2, 3...The cheese is on the kitten...testing, testing...

Feb 25, 2005 19:14

Ever notice that pro techs always say the weirdest things when testing mics at concerts?
Anyway, this entry is nothing at all really...just me playing around with HTML's. Move forward in your search for the more recent "friends" postings.

The fire has charred my solo cup

  • black bean bag chair

  • I have two nickels and a wet noodle

    Jason is friends with a bald muskrat

    The boy can't eat the orange curtains

    I can not see the old man in the canoe

    How is the egg going to make it to Las Vegas

      The man holds the hand of the lamb in Siamm

    The drummer wants to borrow a pound of fans

    The stage is short and squishy

    My hand is upset

    good enough for now
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