Why is a Red Sox fan like someone who lives with an alcoholic?

Oct 14, 2004 20:24

Because each morning we wake up and say, "Well, maybe today will be different..."

I heard that joke on FNX the other morning...sad, but unfortunately it rings volumes of truth.

Now that that is out of the way, onto the meat and potatoes.
This week has been work. Still going well. Nothing more there.
The weekend has filled up quick. Tomorrow night getting the hairs cut, then it is off to a housewarming party at Kelly's place in Somerville. Should be a good time. The Sox will be on at all times, so all is right in the world.
Saturday is a trip to the mall in the AM to purchase my iPod. I hope there's no wait or any shit like that. I would be quite happy if I left the store with said mp3-wonder under my arm. The night is another outing in Boston with Ski, Labarge, hopefully Jade, and players TBD. That should also be fun! We need to find some adult places to go too, or maybe an APT party @ Ski and Jade's while we watch the game? We shall see.
Sunday is a lot of sports games and such. Watching the Pats at Dad's I believe, then who knows for the Sox. I shall see if Erich and Jon want to hit up a bar or something (granted the series will last that long).

I told you the schedule filled up fast!

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