10:35:27: @ joelmchale I think he said something about using the bathroom or getting coffee. If not, I sometimes lose mine in the couch.
10:43:23: @ sententia_music Weird question, but where do you live again? (Patch is looking for local bloggers, and working with a friend, always nice)
11:58:44: @ sententia_music Ah, Brighton's between two or three Patches. If you're interested, we could get you blog traffic. (Have to check with boss)
15:57:31: @ sententia_music I checked with my boss. Unfortunately, you need more of a Brookline connection...
15:58:58: @ sententia_music although, now I think about it, didn't you grow up in Arlington? you could e-mail the editor there! (arlington.patch.com)
23:37:28: Still laughing after @ StephenAtHome apologizes to the bin Laden family for accusing Osama of owning a Zune. #MacSmugness
23:52:02: @ abfa00 that the one with the "neat" old lady who tells JD she's ready to die? #ScrubsNerd