one step closer

Oct 13, 2008 23:58

I think this was the ''thing'' I had to see
the thing
which brings me close to death
but not close enough

and I'm glad

I can keep walking this road
and now I know,
it is NOT lonely

I have so many people by my side
[I cry...but not 'cause I'm sad, 'cause I'm happy]

I feel like I'm finally ''someone''
I'm being loved
somebody loves me
and I'll love them back
with all my heart
all my strenght I have left!

[I won't give up!]

This is what I've been looking for

now I know
I don't have to be alone

Thank you for being with me

oikeesti voin vaa sanoo et kiitos mun kaikille ystäville ja mun perheelle
kaikki sai tänää vaa nii uude merkitykse <3
oon onnellinen!
voin jatkaa eteenpäin oppimalla virheistä
ja niin aion tehä!
ja aion pitää ystävät ja perheen lähel!
rakastan teitä,oikeesti
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