
Jul 21, 2005 15:02

This is totally rude, but I think have to say it:

To someone who never reads my lj anyway,

God, screw you for getting all pissy just because I'm on facebook. I'm on facebook because Lindsay wanted to show me a few things and it's one of the ways I'm keeping in touch with people who are in my Italian class. Screw you for saying "When you grow up, you'll understand" when you're only TWO YEARS older than me and you just said that up until a moment ago, you thought I was seventeen, so essentially, you thought that you had a right to say that to someone a YEAR YOUNGER than you. B.S. It's really strange that I don't care so much about all the kids being older than me anymore... it's funny that you care more about me being sixteen than THEY do. It's funny that you have all of these bullshit little taboo rules and privileges that you only instate so you can feel better about yourself, so that no one infringes on the puny little territory that you've staked out for yourself. I let you baby me for two years but I'm done with that now, so when I stick up for myself, don't go criticize me for being defensive. I thought you were better than that. I really did.

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