Sep 15, 2010 12:34
How to join *.001... etc files using HJSplit:
1. Google HJSplit
2. Download
3. Unzip the files
4. Ensure files to be joined are all in the same folder
5. Open the unzipped HJSplit application
6. Click the "Input File" button
7. Browse for the *.001 file that you want to join, single click on it and choose open or directly double click on it.
8. Click the "Start" button
9. Wait PAITENTLY *most important part!*
10. Click OK when HJSplit says it's done.
How to use soft subs:
1. Google GOM Player or VLC Player.
2. Download (either one is fine although I prefer VLC coz it will show overlapped-timing subs, GOM automatically rejects the other)
3. Install
4. Ensure that your video file and subtitle file is in the same folder.
5. If necessary, rename your files.
subtitles.ass ---> movie.ass
OR ----->
The easiest way to do this is by right-clicking on your mouse and choosing rename.6.Play your video using the player you installed in #3.
How to change file extensions:
1. Click on START (Or the circular Windows button if you're on Vista/Win7)
2. Go to Control Panel
3. Find Folder Options
4. View >> Advanced Settings
5. Uncheck "Hide file extensions for known file types"
6. Press OK
7. Go back to the folder with the file you need to change.
8. Rename to desired file extension.
9. If you want, you can go back to Folder options and re-check the "Hide file extensions".
Any questions? XD Ask away...