Aug 20, 2003 15:48
Period 1: World Lit - Swatosh
Period 2: Ecology - Winkley
Period 3: Advanced Algebra - Angelbeck
Period 4: Cont World Prob (wtf?) - Jeffers
Period 5/6: Strings Focus - Medellin
Period 7: Music Theory (w00t!) - Riihikoski
Period 8: Photo Level 1 - Galeno
Advocacy: 2 - Scott Olson
Okay, first off, I did NOT want Ecology. I wanted Chemistry. So, I spent a fucking hour in line to talk to the counselor to fix that problem. She said that I'll probably get in, but she wasn't sure. I hope I do, because I will be really fuckin' pissed if I don't. I really like Chemistry, and I hate Ecology. It's fuckin' boring, and (literally) all my junior friends are in Chemistry.
Also, who the fuck is Scott Olson?! I do not remember that name at all. Is he a new teacher, or what?
Okay, that's all the rantage I have for now. Does anybody have any classes with me?