Feb 25, 2005 11:37
Well its basically the last day of vacation! Sadly..Next is April and noone will be around cuz of the cruise Here we basically just sat around came online and played @ pogo. Then we went to the mall so he could get some energy drinks for today and Sat. {tournys} & we bought a camera! so yeah.. Then we came back here and ate supper. Left again to "his house" instead he just ran in to get his jacket and then we called Danni because i wanted Dairy Queen again and knowning she is a sweet tooth we took her along for the ride. We waited for her outside of Burlington Coat Factory bcuz she needed work pants then we headed off.. After we ate our icecream we were going back to Erics and decided to go to the moives so danni went in and printed things for apple valley but they were all at like 720 and it was 815. So we went up to Showcase in Attleboro and it literally took us 45mins to decide wat we wanted to see.. Then Mis, Ash, & Ash came in so i tried to get us all into see Hide & Seek but i couldnt so we went to see Hitch @ 950 .. Me and Eric were spatting but we got over it .. blah * We got ouda thea at 12 and then i brought Eric and danni home, came home & went to bed.
Yesterday i got my wisdom teeth taken out .. omfg am i in pain so yeah / i cant do anything all this weekend, highly doubt ill be babysittin this week and prob. wont make it to school on Monday :-/
Eric has wrestling today n tomorrow so hopefully we get to do sutin sunday, maybe hell come over and sit with me or sutin .. <3 -
well im gona go cuz im gettin dizzy im going back to bed. ttyl kiddies