i dont like the snow.

Jan 28, 2004 13:41

i did 4 loads of laundry!!!
theres a snowblower man in my backyard!!!
i hate aly yes i do i hate aly how bout you?
::::Alygator820 [1:06 PM]: hey!!!
Ktdid50188 [1:06 PM]: hiya
Alygator820 [1:07 PM]: whats up?
Alygator820 [1:07 PM]: no regetns for ally
Ktdid50188 [1:07 PM]: cool
Ktdid50188 [1:07 PM]: what regetns were scheduled for today?
Alygator820 [1:07 PM]: world civ
Ktdid50188 [1:08 PM]: ohh
Alygator820 [1:08 PM]: yup
Alygator820 [1:08 PM]: and its cancelleddd
Ktdid50188 [1:09 PM]: when are u taking it then?
Ktdid50188 [1:09 PM]: june?
Alygator820 [1:09 PM]: february
Alygator820 [1:09 PM]: i cant tak eit in june
Alygator820 [1:09 PM]: i finished the course. so I need to start ap american
Ktdid50188 [1:10 PM]: u cant start and AP in the middle of the year tho
Alygator820 [1:10 PM]: erm yah I can
Alygator820 [1:10 PM]: thats what my class is doing
Alygator820 [1:10 PM]: lol
Ktdid50188 [1:10 PM]: are you sure?
Ktdid50188 [1:11 PM]: we were told that u arent allowed to start an AP early
Ktdid50188 [1:11 PM]: you can only take AP tests in may
Alygator820 [1:12 PM]: yah but my schools different
Ktdid50188 [1:13 PM]: then it cant be a real AP course
Alygator820 [1:13 PM]: dotn be stupid
Alygator820 [1:13 PM]: yes it is
Alygator820 [1:13 PM]: we take the test in may
Alygator820 [1:13 PM]: but we have an extra 6 months and take some other test also
Ktdid50188 [1:13 PM]: dont call me stupid
Ktdid50188 [1:14 PM]: then whats that test called?
Alygator820 [1:14 PM]: i not lol
Ktdid50188 [1:14 PM]: there is no other test
Ktdid50188 [1:14 PM]: u did
Alygator820 [1:14 PM]: the regent
Alygator820 [1:14 PM]: lol
Ktdid50188 [1:14 PM]: u said dont be stupid
Alygator820 [1:14 PM]: i said dont be stupid
Alygator820 [1:14 PM]: yah
Ktdid50188 [1:14 PM]: therefore calling me stupid
Alygator820 [1:14 PM]: that its a real ap course
Alygator820 [1:14 PM]: ok ok jsut let it drop
Auto response from Ktdid50188 [1:14 PM]: Im NoT HeRe At ThE mOmEnt...LeAvE a MeSsAgE aNd I wILL gEt BaCk To yOu LaTeR <33
Alygator820 [1:14 PM]: why are you starting something?!?!
Alygator820 [1:16 PM]: whatever
Alygator820 [1:28 PM]: are we better?
Alygator820 [1:28 PM]: im better
Alygator820 [1:28 PM]: are you better
Alygator820 [1:29 PM]: helllooooo????
Alygator820 [1:29 PM]: kaite>
Alygator820 [1:29 PM]: are you there?
Alygator820 [1:30 PM]: apparently not
Alygator820 [1:30 PM]: whatever
Alygator820 [1:31 PM]: talk to me if you get this
Alygator820 [1:31 PM]: mwa!
Alygator820 [1:31 PM]: <33
Alygator820 [1:38 PM]: hellooooo?!?!?!?!
Alygator820 [1:39 PM]: KATIE?!?!?!
Alygator820 [1:39 PM]: alright fine
Alygator820 [1:39 PM]: why are ignoring me?
Alygator820 [1:39 PM]: I mean really?
Alygator820 [1:39 PM]: i didnt do ANYTHING wrong

i really hope im right about not being able to take APs in the middle of the year.
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