“Top Ten Newt Gingrich Presidential Campaign Slogans”
10. Isn't It Time For An Old, White President?
- Jonathan B., Santa Monica, CA
9. A Perfect Fit The For The Oval Office, Literally
- Jim S., East Greenbush, NY
8. Troubled Times Demand A Truly Troubled Man
- Paul D., Edgemont, NY
7. Someone Get Me A Double Cheeseburger
- Bob D., Round Rock, TX
6. A Vote For Me Is A Vote For An Ethics-Violating, Religion-Switching, Sanctimonious Gas Bag Working On His Third Marriage
- Normand H., Whistler, BC
5. At Least My Name Isn't Mitt
- Lewis S., Joplin, MO
4. If There Was Anything Positive To Say, We'd Put It In This Slogan
- Michael K., Wilmington, DE
3. National Debt? We'll Charge It To Tiffany!
- Pamela S., Dublin, OH
2. Please, I'm Not Getting Any Younger
- Gerald L., Ottawa, Ontario
1. Hey, Where'd Everybody Go?
- James Z., Albuquerque, NM