I have a habit of saying to Stephy "Oh boy, when I was your age...yadda yadda yadda..."
This time it was about our microwave and its flat panel instead of buttons. She usually finds humor in imagining people in the 1960's-70's and their reactions upon encountering our modern-day "wonders."
When I asked her if ~ just for kicks ~ she would like to go back to the time when I was her age (if she could return to the present at any time), she responded, "But I want to take my STUFF!" (i.e., her DS, her Pokémon paraphernalia, some of her quite esoteric and wtf manga) ~
~ I told her there's no reason she couldn't bring stuff that would work minus an internet connection or whatever.
She whined, "But then I'd be burned as a witch!"
I literally screamed.