~*~*~ Crossposticated in other places~*~*~
Original English Text:
A Cellar Full of Noise
Translated to French:
Une cave complètement de bruit
Translated back to English:
A cellar completely of noise
Translated to German:
Ein Keller vollständig der Geräusche
Translated back to English:
A cellar completely the noises
Translated to Italian:
Una cantina completamente i disturbi
Translated back to English:
A wine cellar completely disturbs
Translated to Portuguese:
Uma adega de vinho perturba completamente
Translated back to English:
A wine cellar disturbs full
Translated to Spanish:
Una bodega disturba por completo
Translated back to English:
A warehouse disturbs completely
What!? You don't remember
Brian Epstein's autobiography,
A Warehouse Disturbs Completely?
For those of you who weren't with me in 2005, the original post is
{ HERE }