I'm not going to elaborate on what's going down about the divorce settlement right now, but it is not pretty from my standpoint.
Yes, I am technically a single eppylover as of Election Day Tuesday ~ but, until I am able to survive financially (and the agreed-upon amount is a drop in the bucket compared to what I COULD have done to him ~ hey, I was nice ~ I do not like to fight), I cannot consider myself fully "divorced" until I am independent and outta here, if you know what I mean.
Anyroad, I finally decided to make a phone call ~ and ended up seething with anger upon hearing some stuff from Og's lawyer's secretary (I almost think she wasn't supposed to reveal so much of what he's up to, but I can say no more)...
רם ישראל עמנואל
...so it greatly cheered me up when I flipped over to C-SPAN and caught an old
roast of Rahm Emanuel (now Obama's choice for Chief of Staff) from September of 2005.
Rahm was giving his shpiel ~ and I just adore that little laugh of his. His whole delivery, though, rang a distant bell in my subconscious. Who did he remind me of?
Then later on it hit me: Lenny Bruce, when he was being cute!
Well, a little bit anyway, to me.
Heh, Lenny Bruce as the White House Chief of Staff. That rocks. LOL
Official Home Page of Congressman Rahm Emanuel