A Really Random Post

May 23, 2010 15:11

From a Mexican Beatlesfest. A poignant use of one of the beautiful photos of Brian Epstein from the One World rehearsal. I would also love to know exactly how the artist got the gradient back ground to interact so well with the photo. Two layers of background maybe? With the photo sandwiched between them and the top one at below 50% opacity?

Crossplay, oh how I love you, let me count the ways...

I think this was part of a series of fashion photoshoots based on icons of rock and most of the people portrayed were gender switched.
On one hand how can I not like this...On the other hand I call cosplay fail, partly because the pose, particularly of the girlJohn is just too awkward. But mainly because of the shoes. They are just not good enough. Sharp shoes are a key to the Beatles image, so they should always be portrayed wearing only the best. And so should the guy who taught them that lesson. On the other hand I've almost decided that the image of a stern young Queen Elizabeth II in the background completes both the image and the crossplay. All in all a complex and disturbing image of the Beatles, not to mention their relationship with their manager.

Musical Accompaniment by George:

image Click to view

 There'll come a time
When all of us must leave here
There's nothing Sister Mary can do
Will keep me here with you
As nothing in this life that I've been trying
Can equal or surpass the art of dying
Do you believe me?

beatles, brian epstein

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