Baseball Fever 36/? (NUMB3RS, darkkwater, Don/Colby, Don/Charlie, NC-17)

Oct 03, 2014 21:37

Title: Baseball Fever (36/?)
Chapter 36: Charlie waits on the question and Don questions the waiting
Fandom: NUMB3RS
Pairing/characters: Don Eppes/Colby Granger, Don Eppes/Charlie Eppes
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Charlie discovers some unexpected things about his sexy older brother.
Word Count: 2947
Notes/Warnings: (Spoilers) Incest, abusive relationship
Beta: Yes, thanks.

( Charlie drew equations on Don's leg and wondered when his body would be ready for another round. He'd ­never had so much sex in his life, but he wasn't about to call it a night. Because tomorrow it could all be over. )
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