Go forth and read my damn story. It has been posted in
takebackfiction and
music_fic. Come on now, what better way is there to spend this hurricane other than reading some pr0n?
...I really need something to do.
In other news, I haven't done any homework. I mean, I have my priorities straight- writing smutty stories wins over homework any day of the damn week.
I need to get out of this place. I'm going stir crazy. At least the electricity hasn't gone out, or else I'd really be going around in a daze.
Random- I finally saw The Last Samurai. It was good, but I think that I would have liked it better if Tom Cruise wasn't in it, because he's kind of annoying. And the joke they had on Dave Chappelle kept on popping up in my head at odd moments. But it was good overall. And I had an unexpected dose of Gary Oldham when I saw the ending of The Professional- he was there and doing New York cop rather well. He's so cool, too bad the character he's playing in a certain movie that's in a certain franchise is going to disappear behind a veil, since I refuse to believe he dies he's...cool. I mean, he played a Russian, and threatened Harrison Ford, as the president. And that's always rad with me, since those two in a movie? Awesome. And The Last Samurai can't touch that. But I digress. It was a good movie. And I want to be an assassin ninja now. :-P