Late Fees are Bull Shit

Jul 13, 2009 08:21

I don't have any financial aid for summer quarter so my mom has to pay my thousand dollar tuition out of pocket with two payments. That's already more than enough that we can manage right now and then tuition was due on fridays and these fuckers charge a $20 late fee. Granted, the payment was late and it's just protocol but the entire concept of having late fee for a few measley days that no one really gives a fuck about anyway. What and who does it hurt if I don't pay on time? You fuckers are already sucking enough money out of me as it is so then you go and make up some bullshit late fee when I'm already barely scraping by on the skins of my teeth. I don't have an extra $20 up my ass that I keep just in case I have to give it to you. I don't have an extra 20 dollars at all. At. All. And! And! My financial aid for fall quarter hasn't been processed yet. And I've been hearing of people who are told they're eligible but the college can't cover them. So I'm most likely fucked. I registered for fall quarter but I can't begin to fathom another thousand dollar adventure like this one. I half hope I don't have coverage for fall and I know it's probably grounds for charges of blasphemy in the academic world but fuck it. I like learning but I don't know what I'm going to do and in the mean time what am I to do? Sit on my ass all day while this place takes the money that I need and doesn't give a shit about me and just keeps me occupied all day when I could be looking for a job (along with the other millions of people). At least I'd be productive. These books that I don't use aren't giving anything either. Just taking even more of my money. MONEY MONEY MONEY. When did the world get like this? The only thing that this extra 20 dollars financial aid is charging me for will do is hurt me. A lot. I don't have the money to do this. Any of it. I better gather some better hobbies because I can't imagine I'll be able to go into Portland much longer. I don't know. That sounds drastic. At this point I can't think of things getting any better. In any way. If you think about it though, late fees are made up. They've just decided to charge money for time passed and time itself is made up fuckers! These fees are leeches. And they help no one. They help this school supposedly but this $20 gets lost in it divied up and shuffled around and in the end the $20 that meant so much for me to give away is, to the school, a fleck. It doesn't matter to them. But they won't let me pay my tuition unless I give them that 20 dollars and if I don't then they'll drop my classes and I'll have lost a thousand for nothing. There's no winning. They're malicious. I'm being gobbled up. I feel helpless and I wanna cry.
Twenty dollars...
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