May 04, 2008 02:18
God fucking dammit! I offer to help my mom with things and she says she doesn't need help and then her curtain falls down and I don't offer and then she bitches me out because "It's hard to hang up a curtain at 2 something in the morning!" Well no fucking SHIT. SO then why didn't you ask for help when my offer was obviously still on the table since I had just offered help with something 2 seconds before the curtains. FUUUUCK OFFFF! It's not my fault you're a stubborn bitch that doesn't ask for help to save your life! And it's definately not my fault that you've already put up the curtains when I offer help. I shouldn't have to offer AGAIN it if I already have. I shouldn't have to repeat myself so stop bitching me out. God dammit just fucking grow a pair. Bitch.