My rational mind knew that I didn't have time to do Yuletide this fall, so -- for the first time in years -- I decided not to sign up. But then a last-minute pinch hit came through the queue that was too utterly perfect for me to resist. Obviously, I can't reveal it now, but I'll be on my honeymoon cruise when the reveal happens. So for now, O Recipient, know that I had an incredible time writing for you, and that it was such a thrill to write on a subject so dear to me!
Now, I didn't expect recompense for a pinch-hit so last-minute, but I was thrilled to have three -- three! -- lovely little ficlets written for me.
Hi Becca, from Huge, is a sweet little glimpse at Becca's life after she left the camp and tried to figure out where things were with Chloe.
Realization, from A Song of Ice and Fire, is a very cute slashy snippet between Renly Baratheon and Loras Tyrell.
Finally, last and most wonderfully,
Twelve Gifts, from Love Actually is a beautifully concise portrait of how the Mark/Peter/Juliet relationship develops over the course of a year, as told in twelve gifts. If you like "Love Actually," you'll love this sweet little triad romance that exemplifies storytelling between the lines.
I haven't had the chance to do real Yuletide recs this year -- and I've only read a small handful of the stories, though I have many more open in tabs to read on the cruise -- but I have been saving the stories I particularly loved to
my bookmarks, if anyone needs more suggestions of rewarding reading.
Happy Yuletide, everyone! I love fandom.