2 drabbles

Oct 14, 2008 02:14

Just to prove that I'm still alive, two drabbles set in the same universe as "Progenitor". Btw, drabbles are hard. 200 and 100 words, respectfully, and trying to get exact word counts is a bitch and a half.

Also, HUGE thanks to Alexis, who mentioned "Progenitor" in her paper">her paper on genderfuck fiction.


“Rodney, it’s not that we don’t appreciate how hard you’re working for John. Everyone understands that you feel-“ Elizabeth cuts herself off, and Rodney wonders if she was going to say “guilty”. “It’s not that we don’t understand, but you’re becoming obsessed.”

And he is, really. Erasing every sign that he’d switched devices while maintaining the pretense of fixing it was nearly impossible. Would have been impossible, for anyone but him.

“What are you saying? You want me to drop the project?” he asks, praying his feigned resentment covers his relief.

“Not drop, just…” her tone is deeply apologetic, but firm nonetheless. “It’s been six weeks. There has to be a limit. I’m not saying you can’t continue to try and fix the device, but I can’t allow it to monopolize your time any longer. You have responsibilities to the city-“

“I have responsibilities to my team. Sheppard is-“

“Colonel Sheppard understands that we have to prioritize.” She meets his gaze steadily.

“Fine. You can explain to Sheppard why we’re just giving up. I have other priorities to get to.”

“He’ll understand, Rodney,” and if it sounds more like a plea than a promise, Rodney pretends not to notice.

Staff Meeting

“What, it’s not like she’s broken,” Ronon says.

Elizabeth clenches her teeth and pinches the bridge of her nose (again). “Ronon, there are certain standards of behavior that I’m attempting to hold everyone to until this gets straightened out.  I’d like to make this time as painless as possible for Colonel Sheppard, and-“

“Hey, Sheppard,” Ronon interrupts.

“Yeah?” John looks up, as if just now noticing the conversation going on around her.

“Mind if I call you a girl?”

She shrugs. “Knock yourself out.”

Rodney hides his smile behind a smirk. Elizabeth glares, not noticing that Sheppard is smiling, too.

progenitor, mcshep, i still exist, sga, genderfuck, fanfic

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