Aug 14, 2008 23:58
ugh. tonight was awful.
i decided to be proactive and DO something about my whole waiting-for-law-school-decision thing. At this point, I have been wait-listed for over 4 months, something that has slowly been driving me crazy.
I have sent letters of continued interest, a fourth recommendation, new grades, new gpa, new lsat scores, emailed the dean of admissions, etc.
So, now, classes are beginning in a week and a half. The big deposit ($16,000) was due for students a few days ago and I expect that some students will inevitably drop out when they don't have the cash or realize what a big commitment law school is. Drop outs mean ring rings for waitlisted people like ME. and I want that admissions council to have MY name on the brain.
Since I really have absolutely nothing to write to them about to update my application (I haven't won any award, ended world hunger, or found the cure for cancer in the past 4 months), I decided to visit the school. Then, I could write about how much I liked it, how close it is, etc: things that would show them I am totally interested and committed to attending.
Finding the school was easy enough. ok, not easy, not for someone like me. i don't use the turnpike or highways. i got confused and had to turn around once or twice. but i did it...
however, getting back was AWFUL.
somehow, i got all kinds of fucked up. signs included radnor, upper merion, king of prussia, some weird little god awful town that starts with a B, norristown (while architecturally nice-looking, apparently houses a good amount of crazies who cannot drive and walk in front of cars), and finally home. of COURSE, 202 North had a fucking detour.
this is why i don't drive alone when i don't know the place. i get spazzy. i suck at reading directions and driving.
i had asked corey to come and he was genuinely confused as to the idea of me even trying to get into school for this year. he really must think it was some kind of joke for me... he really doesn't think i'll do it! he wants me to be a stay-at-home mom. obscene.
i am sorry, but i did NOT spend an entire year busting my ass gathering letters of recommendations, getting good grades, taking the LSAT THREE fucking times, etc so that i could half-ass apply to school. i am giving it my best shot for this year. if i don't get in and need a year off, at least i can say i gave it my all. and if i AM in, he sure will be shocked at how quickly i drop carli off for half-day preschool.
ugh. i asked a friend to go with me, who had called me to ask if i wanted to hang out with her and another girl. she was very "uuuuhhhhh, not really, i don't want to move off the couch" and annoying. then, was like, "well, do you want to hang out with us later?"
and i'm just like... really?!
needless to say, i didn't call.
i'd be the first one to help a friend, whenever asked or even hinted, and i just get so pissed when i DO (rarely) ask someone to come with me and help and they just blow me off... no, i was definitely NOT in the mood to just drive for a few hours, then "hangout."
and it's really mother-fucking annoying when i call someone because they have something of mine that i need back to find out when i can get it and they don't call back within two days. what. the. fuck.
ugh. i will write my new letter to villanova and sound as optimistic, happy, and perky as i possibly can. i will make them WANT to let me in.
i think i will invite some of my girl friends out one night soon. i went to this great newish pizza/sandwich pub that has specials each night: one night is dollar slices, one night is 1/2 price appetizers AND $4 appletinis (!!!) and cosmos, one night is ALL specials, etc. fun times!!
goooood food, too. :)
ok, happier thoughts. god, i think my sad/angry moods have been stemming more from the law school debacle than i originally thought. i blamed alot on the stress on the wedding, but i don't feel that sigh of relief coming any time soon, now that i'm happily married.
it's something that will only go away when i get that email telling me i need to begin classes. it sucks... i've been working on this for years and i just want it to be FOR something. to not have done all of this preparing for nothing.