(no subject)

Dec 14, 2008 08:04

I'm in another crazy dream cycle, apparently. Yesterday I had one about a cult and tests and wearing pink dresses. *shrug* The one last night was even weirder. It had Lost and Doctor Who all intertwined. It makes no sense and yet I will write it here anyway.

There was some kind of party going on, and the Losties were there, and the Doctor was there, and there were all these weird mysterious people who were kind of drunk and had stickers on with numbers, like the Doctor's said 3 and there were older guys who had ones that said 21, and Juliet had one that said 2. Somehow I figured out that this was how many years since they'd regenerated, so Juliet was a Time Lady or similar.

And then it turned out that something to do with Lost and the island and the mystery had to do with some kind of alternate universe/media black hole. Lost was a TV show, but where the island was they didn't know about the TV show, and also a bunch of other things. Like Elvis. And if they found out about the things they didn't know about it, it would case a rip in the space-time continuum or something.

(Can you imagine Charlie and Hurley never having heard of Elvis?)

Then it changed, as dreams do, and Juliet and Jack were getting it on, and some evil beings pulled their room right out of the building and into some weird space/spaceship thing. You could stand outside and see the walls and where they'd sealed the windows and things to pull it out. Jack was mad, and Juliet was of course being cool, calm, collected and smug as she tried to cover up the fact that she was a Time Lady.

Yeah, that makes even less sense written down. There was some internal logic as I was dreaming it. And in the dream I was mad because I was like, "Augh, I just started writing a fic with this same plot!" LOL.

And then I had to get up to go to work. Where I have no idea how I'm supposed to help people who call in, because I have no idea what's going on.


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