Jul 22, 2008 08:58

WTF!!!! X Files movie spoiler inside!!!!!

Also, Scully mentions rather casually that her baby is dead, as a convenient way to let her and Mulder sally forth without worrying about a kid.

more @

WTF!!!! They just killed off William William for no reason? (And in one line no less.) What ever happened to their policy of not killing kids (as discussed someplace or other, probably by John Shiban, in reference to the one with the kid and the balloon and the train set (Calusari?))

What's the point?

Then again, X Files never did have a problem with undoing their whole mythology to suit their purposes.

I was just barely starting to get over being bitter (finally! After like 10 years!) and was a little bit interested in the movie. Ugh.
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