Way back, last year, when I used to watch Heroes, I could never figure out what was going on, because I was always missing an episode or not paying close attention, and as things went on I got more and more confused until I gave up. This episode of Lost made me feel like that, maybe just because it was calling back to stuff that happened before the break that I didn't remember, or maybe I'm just not paying close enough attention anymore.
It also made me think about that YouTube video with the 3 year old recounting what happened in Star Wars -- it's kind of recognizable, but not really. I kept thinking that Lost is like Star Wars retold by 5 year olds. Locke and his "specialness" dude, whatever. I was waiting for JarJar to show up and start talking about midi-chlorians.
Also, I suck at math but if Anthony Cooper is Locke's dad, and twice Emily's age, and she's 16 and it's 1950, then he's 40 in 1950, which makes him 60 in 1970 when he's messing around with Mary/Laura/Brooke Ford, and actually makes him 90 on the island. Roughly speaking. He looked damn good for 90, huh?
Christian, however, looks like shit. Did he look that bad last week? Being dead doesn't agree with him. All I could think was how much cooler it would have been if it was Boone. Except, you know, then we miss out on Evil!Claire having a reason to go with him.
In conclusion, I hate zombies. But maybe it's Smokey. That would be better.