Disclaimer: Lost is not mine.
Notes: Using for
fanfic100 #47, Heart. Spoilers through season 3.
Summary: Reflections on Sawyer, Kate, and Jack.
The Yellow Brick Road Always Leads to Pain
by eponine119
February 23, 2008
The Others made him afraid of his own heart. )
I think we've had some interesting discussions before about whether it's Jack or Kate who is Dorothy. I've just felt instinctively, that, for all Jack's obsessions about getting back home, it was Kate the runner who really needed to find a home so she can learn how to "be" there. Because her seemingly split personaility, her inability to made choices, all stem from not knowing who she is, and that comes from not really knowing where she belongs. Which is a logical outcome of her growing up in the environment that she did. But, I've always believed that she HAS to declare somewhere, and someONE, her home and her family, and make a stand there, before she can even begin to have a fulfilled life. (Just like Dorothy did.)
Now see, I really am capable of going into that head of hers and figuring out what it needs (besides a good shampooing). And after seeing 4.04, it seems like she might be coming to the same conculusion I did.
Oh, our poor Tin Man. The fic I'm working on right now is sort of an elaboration of what you wrote here. I hope that's okay, but I think since both fics were part of the conversation we had the other day after I wrote my Tin Man drabble, we can share the idea. :) We've been doin' a pretty good job of sharing him for a long time now! (And now I'll break out my ever-so-perfect icon)
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