Blink was FANTASTIC. I love madcap time travel things like that. And the Weeping Angels, OMG. Creepy. Double creepy if you're a girl who likes to go to cemeteries and who has various photos of various weeping angels that look just like those!!! The story behind them was brilliant, and I loved how they finessed the finer points of the time travel bit with "timey wimey things". :)
Utopia, wow. Derek Jacobi is amazing! And Jack Harkness is the Cheerleader! Or one of Kage Baker's immortals. I'm going to have to watch Torchwood now...yeah, I know, I know, I have it, I just never, um, watched it. I loved Jack and Martha both bitching about Rose, and the Doctor being all, "crap, stop loving me, all you people!" The parallel between the Professor and Chan-Tho (or whatever her name was) and the episode earlier this season was obvious even before he brought out the watch.
I'm a bit lost on the whole Master thing. Obviously he's BAD. Assuming he's the inspiration between the big bad in season 1 of Buffy, thank you Joss Whedon. And I read some spoilers a while back. I wish I knew more of the myth stuff, I guess. I'm sure they'll explain it to me.
One more, then I'm caught up, ready for the weekend and ready for bed.