Happy New Year!

Jan 01, 2006 00:10

I still can't decide on resolutions. It's just too clear in my mind that every year I vow to lose weight, do volunteer work, learn to cook, take classes, etc., and never actually do.

That said, these are the resolutions I did come up with:
1. Exercise more and eat less candy
2. Rewrite the novel I wrote in November
3. Visit 2 states I've never been to before
4. Order military records for various ancestors

I usually make a reading list, and some kind of plan for what movies to watch (in 2005 I did Best Picture Winners and the complete works of Alfred Hitchcock and Billy Wilder), but I can't even figure out what to do. I guess my real resolution for 2006 would be to get A Plan. I used to always have a plan, and now I don't, and it's disconcerting to be directionless.

Oh, and I was thinking I should make some LJ specific resolutions. Like not using ugly homemade icons anymore. Or not being afraid to friend people or comment or whatever. Or conversely to be less boring. But I kinda like my ugly icons. :P


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