year in review

Jan 01, 2004 00:14

All the cool kids seem to be doing a "year in review" so I did one too. It turned out to be a useful way to put things in perspective. Also, I have a very boring life.

January. I am late for work for the first time ever in my life, due to a power outage. My toilet tank springs a leak and floods my downstairs neighbor's. I visit Seattle and Portland.

February. B----- becomes my boss. We have a big fight. I almost get fired, and kind of wish I had been for a long time afterward.

March. I have an ear infection. War in Iraq starts. I go see the Titanic exhibit at the California Science Center. It's eerie and tacky at the same time.

April. I go see Les Miserables, and still love it. I take a research vacation to Salt Lake City and do a lot of genealogy.

May. I discover my desire to own a used bookstore. I toy with the idea of starting one online, but make a new website instead.

June. I go to Ashland, Oregon for a weekend. I start writing a novel-length Gilmore Girls fanfic. I learn my boss is getting demoted, but it months go by before she stops being my boss. My neighbors have a party until 1 a.m. on a Sunday night on my balcony (without my permission).

July. I move. It's stressful.

August. I subscribe to Netflix and start watching movies again. I take a weekend trip to Sequoia National Park.

September. The office moves. It's stressful. I have an ear infection. I start a Livejournal. My car battery dies.

October. California elects Schwartzenegger governor. There's wildfires.

November. I do National Novel Writing Month and write the crappiest book ever. I still want a used bookstore, so I start a small one online. I pay off my car. I have a birthday.

December. I get a new boss, again. Work continues to suck. I get an interview for a new job. I also get a stomach virus.


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