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Jun 28, 2005 23:51

Bwitched is SUCH a cute movie!
Its..my fave! haha! i know...im a nerd..
but seriously! its SUCH an actors movie! they talk about little character quirks that actors have..

"show me that funny little walk you did.."
and then he taught her his character walk! isnt that exciting!!?

and at the end they tell each other that they love each other and they used their character names! it was SO cute!

and kidmans character is the type of character that ive have been playing in plays for the last year! shes cute and bubbly and fun! i LOVE it!

Ooh what else- there was a whole bunch of cute stuff!

AND THE RENT TRAILER! alysha and i were pretty excited. its going to be AMAZING!!!

After that we went to Walmart and bought grown up stuff! like fridges! and hangers! we pushed around a CART!

after that we bought slurpees and a Lohan magazine thing for James. We put the magazine in the watering can by James's house and then we went off to find a park

we played make believe!!!! it was so exciting! we were SOOOO loud!!

the jungle gym was a ship and the ship was sinking. Alysha kept pushing me off the boat. she was the captian and i was the slutty hooker girl they always have on pirate ships!

oh! and then we became lovers


thats when Alysha became Simon & i became angelica and we were lovers on a sinking boat. "he" died...and then I died...and then we both became alive and our dog Fifi lived too. then we steered the sinking ship to the "fake beach". then we were stuck on the fake beach

"we're stuck on the beach!"
"well its better than drowning!"

Oh! then our dog Fifi fell in love with Doger- another dog. then they gave birth to Mimi and Roger...and mimi lost her bone (stash) haha..we had the whole story planned out! haahaha...

it was pretty exciting!

And i had sweedish fish!

It was a good night! yay!

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