What happened to your cheeks?/I had woot canow.

Apr 10, 2006 20:11

Everything seemed to be progressing okay on Saturday but then the progress slowed. I slept most of the day on Sunday and leaving Bel Air today was very difficult. I'm off of the painkillers and onto Advil but I'm still getting used to when I should take the Advil.

I brushed my teeth too hard this morning and one of my "teeth" started bleeding again. By the time I was ready to leave, I had to drag my crap out to car which was tiring for a person who had been lying in bed all weekend. Then I had to go get gas because the gas in my car disappeared when I got it back from the repair shop. Then I went to the grocery store to buy a bunch of soft foods. There was a small problem where the gift card should have had more money on it but I'm going to let my mom deal with it.

As I was going back to my car, I noticed that the car's bra was no longer there. I immediately went back to the gas station and went in and asked them "Um, I think I might have lost my car's bra in your car wash." Turns out that I did. We waited for a car to finish in the wash and then he went in and fished it out for me. I told him that thing was a piece of crap that was basically hanging on by a thread. But he got some wire-cutters and was able to get me my lisence plate back.

By the time I got back to Baltimore, I was too exhausted to go to my first class. I've made it to my second class but it is difficult. My face is still swollen and has bruises on it. And it feels like a have a bunch of canker sores or open cuts on the insides of my cheeks and it is hard to keep my tongue away from it. And I am so concerned about changes in pain and whatever that I think I might be imagining pain or something. The idea of dry sockets still scares me.

car troubles, sick

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