Apr 10, 2004 12:13
Yesterday was fabulous.
I woke up really early to get Katharine in Hartford and she had made me a new mix to listen to (yay!) We applied for the apartment that she, dan and I will be living in next year, hopefully, though we're still looking for any better opportunities. We dropped pink things off at Dan's room, beveraged with Kelly, Tommy, Terence, and Dan, and then went home. We made cupcakes (rainbow cake with pink strawberry frosting for Daniel and carrot cake with cream cheese frosting in honor of Jessica) and watched "Ellen," because that's what we do. NK came over to help with the cupcakes, and we also watched Carmen Electra (KT's love) get married... all very emotional. KT and I started bartending at 8 (we do make amazing daiquiris) and then everyone came over to party party party. I didn't realize how much I had missed everyone until seeing them for the first time in almost a year. MUCH LOVE. And so much fun. And also, HAPPY BIRTHDAY STACY! (yesterday)
NK and KT and Kiley stayed until everything was clean, and we called it a day at about 12 30. Thanks so much girls (and boy/s) for a really great night.
Today is the preparation for Easter. This should be fun. I also need to buy clothes to wear tomorrow. Hmm. I was looking at old Easter pictures, and realizing how much cooler the dresses were when I was five. Then my mom informed me they all came from thrift shops anyway, and that's why they were cool. Maybe I'll go to the thrift shops today...
Tomorrow Danny is coming to Easter (yay, thank you,) and that should be interesting because my family is far too large, but at least there will be a nice, big breakfast, and plenty of chocolate. And money.
Time to go shopping before I head to work. Ciaooooo.