Just back from Parentville, where I: a) spent a lot of time singing in church; b) did practically no PhD work; and c) nearly almost bought a car (well, nearly nearly almost: I test drove it and spent about half an hour debating with myself and The Husband, but decided to go away and research before almost certainly coming back the next morning to pay the deposit. Turns out it was about £1,000 overpriced. God bless
Parker's Price Guide.).
The Daddy is still hangin' in there. He's very weak, and not eating enough, and I think he'd pretty much decided to fade away a couple of weeks ago. The Mother was very worried, and talked to him about it, as did the district nurse and their GP, and when we left Parentville yesterday he was in very good form and had been trying to eat more. Amazing man...
The reason for the car shopping is that my car is definitely on its way out, and The Husband's car is also starting to show its age. He thinks that I should have a good, safe, reliable car (insofar as a second-hand automatic can be) and then he will get an older model. His will be a manual though, and you get a lot more bang for your buck with a manual. Mine will have to be paid for on my credit card, and then hopefully have little extra bits paid off when I get marking work or win the lottery (haha); this is not ideal, but is my only choice. I need to replace Tiger; his gear box is on the way out and he is still cutting out every now and then at junctions, which is frankly terrifying. The Husband can get a low-interest loan from work towards a new car, but it has to be for him and used for work, so we can't wangle it to buy a car for me. Argh cars argh.
This entry is crossposted between Dreamwidth and LiveJournal. I imported my LJ entries to DW a few weeks ago and haven't done anything on either site since apart from read my friends page / reading page. I think my settings mean that people can read and comment on either site, but if that turns out not to be the case, please let me know. (I'm not planning on abandoning LJ at the moment, but I'm splitting my attention between the two. A lot of people I read seem to be cross-posting on both, still, though I haven't dared unfriend anyone on LJ, just in case...!)