I'm just gutted about a Trump presidency. I live in a state that always votes Democrat (and did so this election), but we are all in shock. I had no idea that there were so many bigoted, racist people in the country. I'm ashamed about this, and am bitterly aware that we still have a long way to go. I hope we can get through the next few years in
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I was well until Trump got elected. I just cannot believe a facist was elected president...
It is very frightening, and we are still in shock (at least those of us with any sense, which I am suspecting is not as many as I thought). This has caused a rift between friends - once I know someone is a racist and a bigot, I cannot respect them any more. Anyone who voted for Trump is a racist and a bigot. (I mean it. No decent person accepts KKK endorsement; and no decent person accepts Nazi salutes with a happy grin. Trump has done both of these.) aaaargh.
We are going to lose our health insurance, and Trump has his eye on women's rights. The LGBT community is next on his list. It is like I am watching a train wreck, but am stuck on the train.
Historically, if a conservative judge gets appointed to the Supreme Court, they become much less conservative over time. But in the meantime, we have to suffer...
I hope you and your family are well. How is the renovating of your new home coming along? I've been meaning to email you, but this summer was really busy (my son got married to a wonderful person this summer!)
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