Jun 09, 2011 14:30
The other day someone said that they didn't watch (...) because this show wasn't intellectual enough, and that for entertainment they only watched intellectual films or television shows. Naturally this embarrassed my friend, who had brought up the series in question. So I smiled (with all my teeth, ha ha), and said that deep intellectual work is my DAY job, and when I want to be entertained, I want something that doesn't aspire to be 'intellectual'. I also said that I don't get my intellectual fulfillment from film or any one medium or genre (novels, film, theatre, etc). Deep thoughts are all around us if you take the time to look. I went on to say that some people don't look that deep, and so have to rely on 'intellectual' film, theatre, etc. to get their intellectual fill.
It really annoyed me that this person was being snobby about these things. Since my post-grad work is without question in a deeply intellectual field, this person couldn't argue with me when I said that deep intellectual thinking is my day job. And it really made me angry that this person made fun of my friend, and tried to make her feel stupid because of a film or television viewing choice. Normally I wouldn't say anything, but this time I did, 'cuz someone was making fun of my friend. Not a nice thing to do.
I like action, sci-fi, chick-flicks, comedy, drama if it has some humour, kid flicks, anime. I don't watch horror, 'cuz then I can't sleep. (I'm such a scaredy cat!). Plus, if a person is so inclined, she can find some life changing thought or notion in any situation. Geez.
In case anyone is wondering what exactly is my field of study, well it is philosophy. That's right, I am a philosopher. I'll damn well watch/read whatever I want. And, gasp!!! I read manga in public! (well, not yaoi ). And I've manga next to David Hume and Wittgenstein in my bookshelf, heh heh. (okay, not the yaoi, I put that where little hands can't find it).
Well, off to read some YAMAMOTO Kotetsuko (re-reading Honto Yajuu, it's so cute!). I may watch NCIS later on, ha ha, or indulge in some action-sci-fi flick.