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crucified December 28 2016, 00:19:02 UTC
Username (no user code please): crucified
First Choice: The Knick 2.06 There Are Rules
Second Choice: The Knick 2.08 Not Well at All
Themes Suggestions (optional): OOC, Favorite Scene, Close Up


crazycordy December 31 2016, 02:04:38 UTC
thanks so much for signing up and the suggestions! :)
(i'm not up on all the terms, may I ask what OOC is? o.O)


crucified December 31 2016, 02:11:45 UTC
OOC is Out of Character, so instead of iconning a character for that one, you'd pick an actor from the show/episode to icon instead. :D


crazycordy December 31 2016, 02:13:58 UTC
ah ok thanks! actually sounds interesting, i may use that one! ;)


crucified January 1 2017, 20:28:44 UTC
Sorry to do this, but could I please change my claim to Modern Family 2.08 Manny Get Your Gun? Might be able to do some of the themes better with that one. XD


crazycordy January 2 2017, 03:21:56 UTC
that's fine! it's been updated :)


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