Jul 31, 2006 01:37
With all this downtime I have on Drak'thul (basically I just get on to run raids), I really am considering rerolling a horde character to play around with between raids. Tanking is fun, but outside of that my warrior blows. I can't solo grind worth a damn, I don't want to even DARE think of PvP, and it's just a bitch trying to do 5 man runs, since I don't like PuG's.
I still have my 13 ud rogue on Dentarg, I have a 32 fnelf rogue on Argent Dawn (lol RP stfu I haven't touched RP on this character at all), a 25 human priest on yet another RP server (I made that rogue and priest while I was still (omg pvp servers sux :( ), 25 gnome mage on Altar of Storms, my 46 warlock I rarely play anymore, and a bunch of other random trash. I really might consider working with that rogue I have made and just spec her down Subtilty and twink out for some serious STV/Duskwood rapage. Or I might just work with my 32 one and enjoy DPSing in an instance once again, as I haven't done that role in fucking AGES.
Eugh, so many options, so little time. Maybe I should just finish Eva, even tohugh I've only seen two episodes :P