Jan 19, 2004 01:29
So Justin's xanga had some japanese in the heading and usually he is good about translating for me [as I am a spanish speaker, not awesome japanese!]. However this time he said something like - not gonna tell, na ana nanana - not exactly in those words mind you, haah. So I ask Curt and he didn't know, so what does the almighty Jessica do [ok, so I'm not almighty, but I do know what to do!] I go to google!!!!! Search 'ikanaide' and hit enter. I looked at the first few entries and saw a livejournal person. I figured I'd see if they had an AIM sn and ask them! So I go and explain myself and ask, figure out it means alone, Justin laughs at me, haha. And now I have begun a wonderrrrful friendship with this awesome guy Lucky who is like a male version of me! haha, it'll be interesting, but I now have a livejournal, deadjournal, greatestjournal and xanga, im a blog-whore, and I know it! Haha, so off to bed now, love and peace ~ Jessica