Another beautiful autumn day in the PNW

Dec 07, 2021 11:21

- yeah, we're fogged in. *g* I ought to do cards today; they have more snow on them than we're likely to see.

So, hi! P. and I made a Costco run last Saturday, as the freezer was down to half a pound of shrimp, some freezer-burned bananas and a cheap bottle of vodka. (It goes into simple syrups as a preservative, and Dear Friend H. has been known to drink it.) We indulged on a few things that were on sale, like P.'s preferred ginger beer and three-packs of Boursin cheese, and I was thrilled to find four-packs of unsalted Kerrygold butter. An end display had Cambro food storage containers (!)(they are my favorites for things like flour, and usually overpriced), some of which were shortly in the cart; the giant tins of Walkers shortbread were finally there -

But the rest of the load was staples, and whoa, that number at the checkout was a shock.

Today has been filled with exciting things like dealing with the washing up and the floordrobe, changing the sheets and breaking down cardboard from said Costco trip and a couple of small online purchases. Hopefully there will be room in the dumpsters for it: since the start of the pandemic the bins have been overflowing by pickup day, and I expect it will get worse through month's end. It is not a great look for a community founded on low-carbon principles.

I think our new neighbours are having a bit of a struggle adapting to living here full-time, especially with the changes over the last two years: "Yes, in winter it's this dark by 6. No, most places serving food and alcohol close by 9 at the latest during the week, and more of them have stopped offering take-out at 7.30. No, we don't know when the ferries will be back to routinely having two-boat service. Yes, you heard right, Virginia Mason is not accepting new patients and the tiny private clinic's books are full up as well - you're going to have to go off-island for routine/emergency health care. Yes, all of that is frustrating."
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