Oct 29, 2021 11:10
Sea-Tac Airport saw nearly two inches of rain yesterday, which is a record! So wet and so many leaves on the ground making surfaces slippery, I asked Dear Friend H. and Mama J. to text me when they made it home from class last night; both obliged, very kindly. Yesterday was H. and W.'s 16th wedding anniversary - they are both so busy they will not be doing anything for it until Sunday.
Today's major excitement will be making grilled cheese sandwiches on rosemary/olive oil bread. P. and I have both been eyeing the loaf and wondering aloud "Would that work with curry?" A minor thrill - and one that sparked some internal debate - was finding out that my preferred face stuff is now available through Target, and trying to work out if it was worth driving to Silverdale or if I should just have it delivered. Delivery won, and I am gently telling the part that feels odd about it that it's still "trees into power lines" weather over here today and the postie would be out Monday regardless.
Met two Husky puppies on my way back from the grocery store, and oh my goodness, I wanted to bring them both home. Big blue eyes looking up at me saying "Hello? Ear scritches?"