Defenders Of The Earth Issue 1 + Witchblade Issue 1 Reviewed

Sep 24, 2024 12:01

Defenders Of The Earth 1

In 2020 there was a brutally gruelling invasion by the a abhorrent Ming. Rick is left utterly bereft. There are vague implications of nefarious doings. Not eloquent or impassioned. Being a hero is an effortful process in 2024. Rick faces a nadir. A sincere effort to make a follow up to the 80s cartoon. There are unpleasant comments. Is a Defender making a foray into evil? You’re interested if not enraptured.

Kro-Tan is mentioned a lot but does not appear. There’s ugly art. Lothar and LJ make plans. The DOTE have a HQ. Where is Zuffy? Kshin is grown up. Did Kro-Tan really betray his dad? Did Flash really kill Ming? Why is Kro-Tan allowed to live on Earth in Ice Station Earth? Wtf is the Barin protocol? The Phantom lurks. Wtf is the Seven Nations? This lacks oomph. The final pages reveal that Jedda has apparently had a bad girl make over thanks to her uncle Kurt. Interesting! I’ll check out issue 2 on Jedda alone.

Best Lines:

“All major cities in flames.”

“What do you mean he can’t see me? He’s standing right there!”

“Lined with schemers and zealots.”

“Given Kro-Tan’s lineage, we can only imagine the secrets he keeps.”

“Who says the world wants saving?”

“We’re just relics of a different time?”

“The Ghost Who Walks has returned.”

“A new law of the jungle.”

“A sacred birthright that was denied to me by my father and to you by yours.”


Witchblade 1

A continuity reboot of the comic. Sara Pezzini faces a serious, rapid and irreversible change thanks to an ancient power. Something far more sinister lurks in the shadows. Sara has a bewildered response. People seem to purposefully ignore weirdness. Sara faces an insurmountable list of challenges. I loved the tv show. Kenneth Irons has scorn. There is backstory and Ian Nottingham. This was good.

Best Lines:

“Remade by something very, very old.”

“Send in the sacrifice…”

“God help whoever it’s hunting now.” 

witchblade, comics

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