Dec 08, 2004 23:00
so i have been waiting for my damned grades for too long, and at long last they are here. i got some sweet grades (well not really, but seein as i was worried about passing 2 of the classes and i got a c- and a c in both of them, i think i did alright) and i got a b+ in my sculpture. i really wanted an a, but NOOOO. not like a didnt bust my ass the most for that class. mark holmes is apparently a hard grader, whoda known? eh. its all good. im cool with the b+, so s'all good.
so in other news, i ran into wesley williams today, havent seen him in a while, and im gonna go over and hang out with ric campos tomorrow night, well prolly chill, watch a movie or something and get wasted. sounds like a good agenda. thats about all thats goin on, and i wish there was more to do here, but nope. nothin at all. oh well. i still have final fantasy x to beat, so i have been gettin back into that, so thats awesome. gives me something to do at least. im at zanarkand ruins, and i just kicked the spectral keepers ass, to give you an idea of where i am. (7/8 of the way through) and im gonna beat it all, my goal is to get all the secret shit, as well as also get all the sphere grid filled for each character. im making powerhouses. so far, im doing well on that goal. oh well. later all. im gonna hop on that now in fact. ill see ya all later.