Letters from Grandpa-- part 4

Feb 01, 2011 10:33

the USS Boxer

[As always, original orthography preserved.]

Cpl. Bob Wasteney
Mar. Det.
USS Boxer (CV-21)
c/o FPO
San Francisco, Calif

Joyce Diane Farides
461 A Buena Vista


Friday Nov. 4 1949
Pearl Harbor, Oahu

Hi Darling,

Well another day is almost over and I'm sitting up here in the gun tub with Joe, chewing on a big stoogie and trying to write a letter. Between arguing who's girl is the best looking and which one of us is the best looking we're not getting anywhere. I just decided for us both honey and you won by a long shot. The decision was unanimous.

I wish you could have been with us today darling. Joe and I had liberty today and we really put on the dog.
We went in town and rented a car and drove all over the island and took in the sights. When I say we rented a car that is an understatement. This was really a dream buggy.
It was a '49 canary yellow, oldmobile convertible. I drove and Joe handled the baseball bat to beat off the women.1
We drove clear around the island and it was really a nice drive. All together we travelled about 150 miles. Thats when they hooked us at the place we rented the car. All they told us was that it would be $20.00 a day. What they didn't tell us was that they had a maximum mileage of 80 miles and for every mile after 80 we had to pay extra.2 It was worth it though. The only thing wrong was that we had to bring the car back.

We went through the Dole Pineapple plant and we ate so much pineapple and drank so much pineapple juice that I don't think I could stare one in the face.

Then we went out to some Doggie3 base on the other side of the island and they were throwing a big shindig at their club. So all

of the doggies tried to make points with the Marines and set up beer for us all afternoon. Their club is right on the beach so after we got half slopped up we went in swimming. Me and Joe had to try the surf boards and almost drowned. Anyhow it sobered us up enough where we could drive again.

We took a bunch of pictures but we havent got them back yet. I'll bring them back with me.

We've been having a lot of fun since we've been here but I still can't really enjoy myself without you. I sure wish you were over here. You'd really like it. Someday maybe we can make it for a vacation.
We'll only he here 2 more days and then we take off for the states It sure will seem good to get back.

We really haven't been gone long but it seems like the longest I've ever been away from you. Only 2 more weeks to go and I suppose they'll drag by like 2 years.

I wasn't fooling when I told you the way I want to spend my first day back. All I want to do is sit and look at you. (and dont forget the beer)

Well sweetheart I've got to go shower and hit the sack. Ive got duty tomorrow and Ive lost my racket as Ences orderly and have to stand night watches not that I stand Cpl of the Gd.

Give my love to Dotty and tell your Mom hello for me.

Write Soon
I'll Love You Forever

On the inside of the envelope:
"I love you Darling."

1I really ♥ you, Grandpa.
2Plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose.
3"Doggie" is Marine slang for those enlisted in the army.

previously: Nov. 2 1949: I dream of things like that all the time

love letters from grandpa

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