FICS: Two of Lucy, One of Molly II, Three of Roxanne

Jul 12, 2010 20:16

Author: bendleshnitz1 
Title: The Wrong Kind of Only
Characters/Pairing: Lucy Weasley
Rating: G
Warnings: Not betaed.
Word Count: 152
Summary: Lucy wishes not being 'unique' for the first time.
Notes: None.

Author: bendleshnitz1 
Title: Following Your Instincts
Characters/Pairing: Charlie Weasley/Lucy Weasley
Rating: R
Warnings: Incest. Age disparity (51/21). Mentions of infidelity.
Word Count: 805
Summary: Charlie comes back to England for a family lunch he never attends.
Notes: I'm thinking about writing a sequel to this one when my shcedule stops being so hectic.

Author: bendleshnitz1 
Title: Hint
Characters/Pairing: Molly Weasley II/George Weasley, Angelina Johnson/George Weasley
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Mentions of incest. Molly is 17. Infidelity implied.
Word Count: 109
Summary: Molly has a question for her aunt.
Notes: Not betaed.

Author: bendleshnitz1 
Title: Brush of one colour
Characters/Pairing: Roxanne Weasley
Rating: PG
Warnings: None.
Word Count: 545
Summary: Roxanne tells how her hobby started.
Notes: None.

Author: bendleshnitz1 
Title: Snogging Session In The Broom Cupboard
Characters/Pairing: Lorcan Scamander/Roxanne Weasley
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: *shrugs* Lorcan is 15 and Roxanne is 17?
Word Count: 182
Summary: The title explains all I guess.
Notes: Not betaed.

Author: bendleshnitz1 
Title: I need help
Characters/Pairing: Bill Weasley/Roxanne Weasley
Rating: R
Warnings: Incest. Age disparity. Possibly chan.
Word Count: 96
Summary: Thinking these feelings were controlled was a mistake.
Notes: Not betaed

other male: bill, pairing: molly/george, warning: cross-gen, fic: drabble, rating: r, fic: 2010, pairing: roxanne/lorcan, rating: g, other male: george, warning: chan, other male: charlie, pairing: lucy/charlie, epilogue girl: roxanne, pairing: roxanne/bill, rating: pg, rating: pg-13, genre: gen, epilogue girl: lucy, other male: lorcan, user: bendleshnitz1, genre: het, warning: incest, other female: angelina, epilogue girl: molly

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