there are plenty of books to prove either theory. if you read the bible over and over i believe it just makes you believe less in god unless you are trying to look for a god. if you really wanna believe in the bible you should know that there were 168 versions of the gospels but the church picked the 4 closest related ones and used them and then threw the other ones away. so how much should u really get from the bible if they aren't telling you everything, not to mention the fact that there are many translations of the bible that the churches are keeping from us everyday people, and there are inconsistancies with the translations out now, meaning that they substituted some words for other words which could change the meanings entirely. so believe what you want, but perhaps, keep an open mind to things, which most christians do not, they take the bible too seriously when they should have their own interpretation, which is what the bible suggests anyways, instead of believing what one person tells you that the bible means, trust me my parents are reverends.
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