Sep 27, 2004 23:26
Well, i've finished Dune and am about a third through the sequel. As I survey all the dumb queers around me, I draw parallels between the politics in the book and those in life. It's amazing that the political intrigue that keeps me turning pages is so similar to plotting that I strive to separate myself from in life. Just today I acused someone of forming "plots within plots within plots" and nearly asked if the same person thought he was Bene Gesserit trained.
I despise this plotting because I am lured by it. I hear the challenge and think to myself "I could beat you at your own game." It takes great effort to restrain myself from slipping that far into bitchdom. For now, i'm going to keep on reading. The Dune series really is great; I suggest everyone pick it up and give it a read (atleast the first one)!
Thank you Burt, for making me buy that book!