Funny thoughts

May 13, 2004 23:05

Well, interesting day of events. I received an email from Ryan. Things are going well with him, which I bet you guys don't care about. he wrote to shoot the shit I guess.
He got a bloody tattoo as well in November. What pisses me off is that I tried for SO long to get him to get one, and he does it after the fact. Whatever. We had talked about it on Labour Day weekend. Man. Why it pisses me off...I dunno..but it does. Do I want to be friends with I want him to know how happy I am..yes, but I can't just come out and say it to him. Whoever has some clever ways to bring Rob in my convo with him would be great. I don't want to be rude and just say it..I have more class than that.

New topic..cuz that other one pisses me off.......

I'm hanging out with Deborah tomorrow. We're getting her belly button pierced, then off to dinner, and then to dye and highlite my hair again. beautiful red...NOT fire engine boys..been there, done that,NOT doing it again! lol

Talked with Rob, and HOPEFULLY, if things pan out with his work, we're going to New York in June. It'll be nice to get away. I REALLY need it. I have it off at both we're waiting on him.

Got some new sexy silk pj's last night. My mom wanted me to get them so I can look better for Rob...?! Wierd.....don't ask..I just nod and smile....

Man, i'm such a procrastinator..gotta start looking at my course...maybe on the weekend? Who am i kidding..really...gonna work and see Rob...where is there time to
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