Fading (Tablo/Henry Lau) PG-13 // 1 Minute 1 Second

Mar 12, 2009 20:23

Title: Fading
Pairing: Tablo/Henry Lau
Album and Track Title: Lovescream - 1 Minute 1 Second
Rating: PG-13
Genre: Angst
Summary: I can't let go, not for one minute one second - even after everything is over, I still need to keep a part of you with me.
A/N: This was written for the 30smiles challenge. The more I read it, the more i feel like it has some sort of personal significance to me. Hope you like it. :3 I know it's an odd pairing... >>;

( My clearest memory of you is a little like this paper: faded, crumpled, fuzzy round the edges, but mostly intact. )

length: one shot, rating: pg-13, album: lovescream, genre: angst

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