Title: Absolute Zero Fire
Author: top_seunghyun
Pairings: None (just hints)
Rating: R (for language, gore)
Disclaimer: I own the plot, setting, climax, chapters, details, but I do not own the true identity of the wonderful characters.
Genre: AU (alternate universe), Action, Mystery, and Thriller.
Description: When a second body is found, matching the autopsy description of the body found just few days before, a serial killer is concluded to be on the loose...but what happens when there are people you love that are involved within this horrifying case...?
Groups MAINLY Used: Epik High; Tablo & Mithra, Big Bang; T.O.P, F.T Island; Hong Gi. Super Junior; Eun Hyuk.
Author's Note: This is a fanfic I have been working on under the table. There is no specific pairing, just little hints. More members WILL make appearance.
Prologue. )